Hastings Wine Bar and Coffee Shop

We will be updating this website shortly

English Wine Tasting with Westwell

Come and explore some of the incredible wines that Westwell have to offer.

Pair with some English cheeses too. An evening not to be missed.

On the 28th June at 7pm till 9pm.

Reading Between The Vines

This month, we are reading 'Songbirds' by Christy Lefteri.

It starts from 6pm till 8pm. No need to book, just come along and have a glass of wine (alcohol free options are available). Be decadent and add a cheeseboard! Discuss the book in a friendly, concordial atmosphere. Healthy debates encouraged!

Live Music with Frank and Lou

So excited to welcome back the talented duo that is Frank and Lou.

Join us on the 14th of June from 7pm.